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Carnet Weblog / UQAM
Design . Expérience . Humain
Immersion . Technologie
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Rencensement par 341 817 095 points
Design d'information
design d'interaction
Visualisation de données
Ron Filion-Mallette
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Weblog / UQAM est un carnet diffusant de l'information aux étudiants intéressés par le projet de design
et ses pratiques émergentes.
Weblog / UQAM is a notebook disseminating information to students interested by the emerging practices of the contemporary design project.
Groupe, Laboratoire, Centre
Groupe de recherche CinéDesign
The Design Lab | UCSD
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence [...]
Santa Fe Institute
Journal of Research in Personality
SHAPE Lab | Stanford U
Centauri Dreams
Institute for Futures Studies
Future of Life Institute
Future of Humanity Institute | U Oxford
Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Oxford Martin School
Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies
Institute for the Future | CA
Futures Academy | Dublin Institute of Technology
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Institute for Alternative Futures
World Futures Studies Federation
Mobile and Environmental Media Lab | USC
MxR Institute of Creative Technologies | USC
cm*design-lab | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Emotion & Self Lab | UBC
Leiferlab Optical Neurophysiology | Princeton U
Réseau intelligence de la complexité
HCI Institute | Carnegie Mellon U
Future Interfaces Group | Carnegie Mellon U
Machine Intelligence Research Institute
MeLa* European Museums in an age of migrations
MxR | University of Southern California
Mixed Reality Laboratory | U Nottingham
Métalab | Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
HCI Lab | U Manitoba
Mixed Reality Lab (MXR)
Visualization Technology Group | Duke U
médialab SciencesPo
Fluid Interface Group | MIT Media Lab
Tangible Media Group | MIT Media Lab
Social Physics | MIT Media Lab
Responsive Environments | MIT Media Lab
Mobile Experience Lab | MIT Media Lab
Self Assembly Lab | MIT Media Lab
Digital Life Consorsium | MIT Media Lab
Material Ecology | MIT Media Lab
Perceptual Science Group | MIT
Picopower Institute
scifi2scifab (course)
Neural Systems Laboratory | U Washington
Riken-MIT Center
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Aerial Vision Group | Graz
Tele Immersion Lab | UC Berkeley
Graz Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
Virtual Human Interaction Lab | Stanford
Connections Lab (cLab) | SFU
Max Planck Research Networks
metaLAB (at) Harvard
hybriblab | UdeM
Centre for Intelligent Machines | McGill
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
Design Research | Universität der Künste Berlin
Near Future Laboratory
Doppler Laboratory for Handheld AR
5D Institute
Publication scientifique
She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation
Journal of Design History
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
Journal of Design and Science
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual [...]
Revue française en sciences de l’information et [...]
Communications of the Association for [...]
ACM Interactions
Design Philosophy Papers
Design Science
International Journal of Design Creativity [...]
Ubiquity: Journal of Pervasive Media
Sciences du design
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Design Issues
Design Research Quarterly
Design Studies Forum
Design Philosophy
Design Principles & Practices
Digital Creativity Journal
Archives of Design Research
Information, Communication & Society
Nature Journal of Science
Information Design Journal
Science Journals
Journal of Evolution & Technology
Computational Biology
Plos One
Leonardo / ISAST
Visible Language
Studies in material thinking
First Monday
Journal of Design History
Journal of Engineering Design
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Information Systems and Technology
Journal of Information Technology Research
Journal of Information Technology
International Journal of Future Studies
International Journal of Design Sciences & [...]
International Journal for Design Research
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Technology and Design
International Journal of Design
International Journal of Art & Design Education
Journal of Communication Design
Outil pour la recherche
Design science research in information [...]
Observatoire des territoires numériques
Bibliothèques de l'UQAM
Design Research Society
Interaction Design Encyclopedia
PhD-Design research
Atrium l UdeM
Virtuose l UQAM
McGill Online Library
Science Direct
Universalis (via UQAM)
Recherche-Design francophone
Google Scholar
Open Library
Design, art, technologie
PwC Next in tech
Association for Computing Machinery
ARS Electronica
International Council of [...] Industrial Design
Interaction Design Association
International Institute for Information Design
TED: Ideas worth spreading
technology review | MIT
Distributed Intelligence | MIT
Stunlaw | Swansea U
Charlie Rose
Inventing Interactive
Augmented reality trends
Scoop it - Research
Muséo/archéo d'innovation
MeLa* European Museums in an age of migrations
ARtSENSE | Augmented Reality Supported adaptive and personalized Experience in a museum based on processing real-time Sensor Events
CHESS - Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and Storytelling
Observatoire des territoires numériques
Past Horizons
Forte | Duke U
Teleimmersion Lab | U California Berkeley
Museums and the Web
Archives & Museum Informatics
LAMIC | U Laval
Astronomie, cosmologie
Sean Carroll
Not Even Wrong
Mars One
SETI Institute
Solar Dynamics Observatory | SDO
Icarus Interstellar
Anderson Institute
European Space Agency
Canadian Space Agency
Situating Science in Human Contexts
Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
Singularity U
Spaceport Associates
Taksha Institute for Space Art (TISA)
AI et transhumanisme
Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Natasha Vita-More
Ray Kurzweil
2045 Initiative
Singularity Hub
Singularity University
Lifeboat Foundation
Transhumanist Values (Bostrom)
Technocracy movement
Serious Wonder
Code Front end
A List Apart
Adobe - Help Resource Center
Adobe - Labs
Adobe HTML5 Package
Ateliers techniques Labdi
CSS Beauty
CSS Fonts Module Level 3
CSS Guide
CSS Layouts
CSS Selectors
CSS Zen Garden
Go To And Learn
Grid Designer
How to size text using ems
JavaScript Source
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : CSS
jQuery Style Tutorials
jQuery, Write less, do more
Selectutorial CSS
Solar-powered Website
Tag by Tag
The CSS Gallery List
W3 Schools
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
XML Développez
Design d'information (appliqué)
Paper Video Games
Arrows & Icons
Boxes and Arrows
Flowing Data
Information Architects - iA
Information Architecture
The Information Architecture Institute
Information is Beautiful
Josef Müller-Brockmann Grid Systems
Manuel Lima
Swiss Legacy
The Grid System
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Carnet Weblog / UQAM
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